1.) Reward Positive Behaviour

As more and more schools move from punishment to positive disciplinarian approaches, theatre can be used as a highly constructive reward. Not only will high school students view this as a fun incentive for making well-balanced choices, but Brainstorm Productions theatre programs also reinforce and support school-wide behavioural expectations including anti-bullying, anti-violence, cyber safety and respectful relationships, to name just a few. 

And at a cost of only $6 per high school student*, including comprehensive teachers’ resources, a Brainstorm Productions performance rewards schools too.  

2.) Help Empower Students

Schools and teachers are becoming increasingly entrusted to help equip students with the social and emotional skills required to make positive contributions to society. 

Brainstorm Productions programs can help high schools have a beneficial influence on student wellbeing by providing students with real-life and highly relevant experiences through theatre. Experiences such as cyber-bullying, violent behaviour, exam stress, relationships, exclusion, risk taking, drug use and binge drinking. 

When it comes to behaviour students have choices; and empowering students to make the right choices is critical. Because it has greater personal value and helps students develop self-regulation and self-discipline. 

3.) Reinforce the School’s Anti-Bullying Policy

Does your school have an anti-bullying policy in place? For many school’s Brainstorm Productions high school theatre programs are pivotal. Why? Because the programs are designed to encourage students to connect with one another, with the aim of helping students create a sense of belonging, which is crucial for student wellbeing. 

The stories delivered in Brainstorm’s high school productions are not just about technical issues such as legal ramifications or how to protect themselves online, but also about the emotional issues and the importance of fostering positive relationships. By helping students to embrace skills such as nurturing, empathy, concern for others, compassion and friendship, students are empowered to provide genuine support for each other.  

4.) Open Communication

There is a certain magic that only theatre can release. The relationship between Brainstorm Productions young actors and students is beyond that of simply a ‘presenter’ and a ‘pupil’. Physically and emotionally, there’s little separation between them and there is a huge amount of interaction, at a subconscious and conscious level. Theatre is enjoyable; and by bringing such a positive emotion to the experience, real learning and behavioural changes can occur. Students switch from analytical style-thinking to creative problem solving. 

Brainstorm Productions young, professional team of actors are all in their early to mid-twenties, helping to add credibility to the experience. The actors are using the same technology as the students and are living in the same digital world. This makes a big difference during the post-show Q&A, where students get to reflect on the experiences of the play’s characters by discussing the shows important themes with the actors. Given their age and unique bird’s eye view, the young actors are able to easily relate to the students and their perspectives on life.

Following the show and using Brainstorm Productions classroom resources, teachers can continue to open up important conversations and help build supportive student teacher relations.  

5.) Address Issues without Judgement

Brainstorm Productions high school productions are highly respectful of student diversity and identity. The programs are designed on the basis that positive change comes from students regulating their own emotions and behaviours. 

Using young actors playing high school students, the audience is given the opportunity to become self-aware about their own behaviour through the characters on stage, whilst not singling out individual students. With different scenarios being played out, students get to experience how things can go wrong and how to get help for themselves or for a friend who might be struggling. Ordinary stories told in an extraordinary way. 

To view all high school productions, click here

*Min fee $750 per performance +GST